Bodega Head Offshore Buoy Observations
Bodega Marine Laboratory has operated an oceanographic buoy immediately offshore from the lab in 30 m water since December 2009. Data collected from the surface include temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, dissolved oxygen, and current speed and direction.
-Offline, buoy replacement pending, Summer 2024-

Tomales Bay Buoy
This oceanographic buoy is deployed in Tomales Bay, south of Hog Island. It is a cooperative project between the UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory, Point Reyes National Seashore (PRNS/NPS), and the National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS/NOAA). Data may include: wind, ocean current speed and direction, salinity, temperature, chlorophyll fluorescence, turbidity, pH, and CO2.
-Currently no real-time data-

Tomales Bay Wave Buoy
Real time observations include:
Sea surface temperature, wind speed and direction, wave height

Buoy Climatology
Air, wind, and seawater temperature data used in these climatology charts are measured at NOAA NDBC buoy 46013, courtesy of NOAA NDBC.
-Currently Offline-